Motorcycle Crash With Flyout
By Mifflintown Hose Co No1
August 4, 2024

1342 - Box 2-01
Units were sent to Fermanagh Twp, Rt 35 N / Industrial Park Rd, for an MVA with injury. Rescue 2 marked out with 3, Chief 2 to the scene. JCCC advised 2 motorcycles, 1 injury. Chief 2 arrived, confirmed 2 cycles, 1 rider in the intersection. Pt was treated on scene and transported to the T-town Landing Zone. Crews directed traffic until wrecker services arrived and cleared the road.

Command: Chief 2
Personnel: 13

Units: Rescue 2, Engine 2, Amb 45-2, 205-3, MICU 15-1 (Engine 8, Life Lion 3)